Carol Kohn Email: carol.kohn@hcbe.net
Academic Team
Academic Bowl
Sponser: Carol Kohn
Mission: To provide team members with the opportunity to increase and share their knowledge while representing Mossy Creek Middle in the PAGE Academic Bowl.
Activities: Students will meet and practice daily Monday through
Thursday in the mornings 7:00 AM-7:25 AM in room 706.
Membership Requirements: The members of this team will audition in
room 706 from 7:00 AM until 7:25 AM during the week of August 19-23. Ms.
Kohn will notify qualifying team members during the week of August 26-30.
Members will attend practice four times weekly (Mornings: Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) from 7:00 AM - 7:25 AM beginning on September 3,
An informational letter will be sent home to members during the week of
September 3-6.
An informational letter will be sent home to members during the week of September 2-5.